Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Class of 2011 Senior Reps Wanted!

I am currently seeking out Senior Representatives from surrounding schools.

As a senior rep. you will receive your photo session (approx 2 hours, unlimited outfits) w/ disc, 50 wallets and 1 8x10 for $100 ($50 discount).

As part of this discount you agree to allow me to use a few of your photos as part of my portfolio, and you agree to help me spread the word about my senior sessions.

For every person you refer you will earn a $25 print credit or $10 cash!

Every classmate that you refer (who tells me that you referred them) will receive a 10% discount on the session fee and 1 free 8x10.

I will accept 2 representatives from each school.




Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Firecracker photo contest

Everyone really seemed to enjoy the last photo contest so I am going to try to do one atleast every other month! So keep your eyes peeled for chances to win.

For this months photo contest submit a photo of your little one proudly sporting the red white and blue, or launching some sort of projectile off with Daddy, or fearlessly lighting a BlackCat... you get the point!

The photo can be from this year, last year, of your dog, of your cat, just try to keep an Independence day theme :)

To enter the contest please email your photo to with the Subject line that says "Firecracker Contest". OR submit your photo to the fan photos section of my Facebook page.

Photos must be submitted by Thursday, July 8th. Voting will begin Saturday July 10th and will end Friday July 16th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday July 17th.

The winner of this contest will recieve 1 free photo session in or around my home studio with disc. Photo session is approx 1 hour with 10 edited images on disc.

Good Luck!

Almost forgot - for your viewing pleasure :) A snapshot of my daughter looking pretty peeved that I have the stinking camera in her face! Enjoy.


Alicia, Worthy Advisor

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Rainbow Girls Installation. Alicia became Worthy Advisor. It was a very special ceremony, one of my favorite moments was when Alicia's Grandmother presented her with a gavel hand made by her Grandfather.

Here are a few shots from the ceremony.




Thursday, June 17, 2010

The "I" Family

I had the pleasure of photographing this cutie patootie and her parents a few weekends ago! She is 9 months old and full of spunk.

Here are a few from her session.

